Weekly Round Up for Friday May 6th.

Happy Friday!

Mother’s day is this Sunday. Last minute flowers can be found at most grocery stores… and don’t forget how far a hand-made card and a Starbucks gift certificate can go!  (Not that any of us forgot or procrastinated or anything. Right? Right? Ahem, moving on…)

In case you missed it, this week had a lot of interesting LGBT news worth noting.

Good news for the gay couple in New Jersey who were being threatened with deportation. The deportation proceedings were halted at the last minute by the attorney general who plans to review the case.

Rep. Pete Stark of California introduced the Every Child Deserves a Family Act to the House on Tuesday. The bill would prohibit organizations receiving federal funds from denying adoptions or foster care placements to prospective LGBT parents.

The Huffington Post ran an interesting article this week updating us on the LGBT fight going on in Africa.

Former President Clinton came out… in support for same-sex marriage!

Kamala Harris, our state’s Attorney General, came out… against the state’s same-sex marriage ban, this time telling the state Supreme Court the proponents of successful ballot initiatives do not have the right to defend their measures in court.

Speaking of gay marriage rights, Brazil’s Supreme Court just ruled  that same-sex couples should be allowed the same financial and social rights as different-sex couples.

The 5th Annual CMI LGBT Community Survey is now underway. Participation in this survey gives important feedback to our LGBT community media and organizations, and provides valid data to companies interested in serving our needs, sponsoring our charities, and supporting their LGBT employees. Last year, the survey was taken by over 45,000 LGBT citizens of 100+ countries! Get involved, let your voice be heard!

Barbara A. Lenk, a veteran Appeals Court judge, won confirmation to a seat on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, becoming the first openly gay judge to serve on the state’s highest judicial body.

And lastly, in the category of not related but too funny to ignore… this video of a conversation with the dog promises to get you LOLing.

There you have it… have a great, and safe, weekend!


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