Gary Dennis

Men Get Involved

One of the things that disappoints me as I look out into the HIV community here in Fresno is the lack of male involvement in the fight against AIDS.  Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that there have been no men involved in the fight but I can count on one hand as

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The Power of Advertisements

Back in October of 2006, the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center launched an advertisement campaign targeting MSM's (Men Who Have Sex With Men) which had a message that "HIV is a gay disease".  Now I knew back then that this sort of campaign was going to stir up some type of controversy.

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Affected By AIDS

February 14th is known by all as Valentine Day, a day of love, care, and romance.  It’s a time where people want to be close to that special someone and express their “feelings” with that person; even if it’s just for one night.  But what if your partner decides to open up to you and

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One Year and Counting

January 20, 2007 will mark the one year anniversary of PROJECT: MALE being incorporated!  If you have ever started your own nonprofit business, you can relate to the hell and strain it has been to get this puppy started let alone keeping it going.  But the sad truth of the matter is that since my

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No Home For A Man With AIDS

There is nothing like the joy of coming home after a hard day of work.  If you’re like me, you might put on some music, take a shower, coke some food, light candles and incense, and just simply relax.  Or maybe you’re a television watcher or a book reader, well whatever it is you do

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You Try Living on a Fixed Income

As President/CEO of PROJECT: MALE, it is my goal to deliver an effective HIV/AIDS prevention message to our target population (males 25 to 44yrs old) as well as the community in general.  In order to do this effectively, people must see themselves as being at risk for HIV/AIDS and that getting AIDS comes with consequences

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The War On AIDS

          June 5 of this year represents 25 years that America has been fighting AIDS. This war has gone on longer than any war in the history of America.  It has out lasted the Vietnam and Gulf Wars, and will probably out last the current war in Iraq. What is interesting is that in all

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Project Male Takes Flight

  PROJECT: MALE FIGHTING AIDS IN FRESNO COUNTY Friday the 13th is thought of as a day of bad luck and disaster, basically a not so good day.  Well that’s what it was for CHAANGE on Friday January 13th.  That was the day that I had received a phone call telling me that the CHAANGE

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