
Anti Equality Group Running Out of Money

protect-marriageAccording to Reuters, Protect Marriage ran a huge shortfall in 2011:, the advocacy group defending a California gay marriage ban now under review by the high court, showed a $2 million deficit in its legal fund at the end of 2011 – the third year in a row that expenses exceeded donations, federal tax records show.

Not only that, but they’re $700K short in their fundraising for the US Supreme Court cases:

The 2012 accounts are not yet available. says it has since covered the 2011 shortfall. However, it is still $700,000 short in fundraising for its Supreme Court costs, according to a attorney, Andrew Pugno. That message has gone out to donors, with some urgency, as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments in March in its first thorough review of same-sex marriage.

Where are the Knights of Columbus when you need them?


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