Bulldog Pride Scholarship Offer

Image  Apply for 2007-08 BULLDOG PRIDE FUND Scholarship
The Scholarship Office at Fresno State is currently accepting applications for the 2007-08 academic year. Entering or existing, undergraduate or graduate students that have “demonstrated pride in the community” are eligible to apply for the BPF scholarship. The 2nd Annual BPF Scholarship is expected to be $1,000 and will be awarded in the Fall of 2007. The application period closes on November 31, 2006.  DETAILS: WWW.BULLDOGPRIDE.ORG

The BULLDOG PRIDE SCHOLARSHIP FUND (http://www.bulldogpride.org/) is now listed as a charitable organization with THE FRESNO BEE/FresnoBee.Com.

The Bulldog Pride Scholarship Fund is an endowment that provides an annuity to support students at Fresno State. All donations to the Bulldog Pride Scholarship Fund are tax-deductible, to the full-extent of the law.

The BPF is maintained under the auspices the Fresno State Alumni Association, a non-profit 501[c]3 organization recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service; as well as a Registered Charitable Trust with the Office of the Attorney General, State of California.One-hundred percent [100%] of each and every donation is directly deposited into a stand-alone endowment account that is invested in a diverse portfolio with the assistance and guidance of Merrill Lynch [Fresno], one of the world's leading financial management and advisory companies. No percentage of any donation is used for operating and/or related administrative expenses. The BPF accepts checks, as well as all major credit card [AMEX, VISA and MasterCard]. The BPF also welcomes gifts as securities, real property, corporate matching gifts and bequests. A variety of gift plans that secure future revenue for BPF and offers financial benefits for you today may include lifetime income for you, as well as other tax savings. Vehicles for these gifts range from charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder and other types of trusts to beneficiary designations on life insurance policies and retirement plan accounts. For additional information, please contact Peter Robertson, Founder.A donation made today will give in some capacity, tomorrow and forever. http://www.bulldogpride.org/Thank you for your support. 


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