CA Supreme Court Get’s It Right Again

ImageAfter a recent re-design by 365GAY.COM, our live news feed is officially active again, at the top of our homepage. We can’t help but point out one of the lead stories, about the CA Supreme Court ruling that doctors are not allowed to base their medical assistance to patients on the basis of their religious beliefs. For months now we’ve watched doctors and pharmacists refusing to assist those in need whose "morality" intersected their personal opinions. Does a person’s religious belief system allow them to choose which job functions they will perform and which they won’t? Of course not. But it was happening, with the support of millions of Ameircans. Monday, in a unanimous decision, the California Supreme Court ruled that doctors cannot withhold care to gays and lesbians based on their religious beliefs. The story involves a lesbian couple’s choice of in vitro fertilization. Read the story HERE


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