
CALL FOR PAPERS! GLBT+ Anthology Project of United Student Pride

There is still time to submit your story relating to your experience with Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, or Transgender (GLBT+) issues!


Due to several requests for the postponing of the submission due date, the new deadline now is AUGUST 1, 2011.

We will be happy to accept submissions from anyone who has a story to share!

The anthology will focus on various issues revolving around the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender experience. Stories will be compiled in a GLBT+ themed publication that will be made available this fall.

Details for GLBT+ Anthology Submissions:

  • 1,000 word maximum
  • Coming out stories and/or GLBT+ issues
  • Allies GLBT+ support stories
  • Poetry
  • Fiction/Non Fiction Prose
  • Artwork (size will be formatted to fit publication)
  • Must pertain to GLBT+ issues
  • Contributors do not have to identify as GLBT+
  • Due Monday, August 1st

Once again, this is a great opportunity to share your experiences with others and have a voice on your college campus.  Contributors whose submissions are selected will be included in the anthology and be made available in a publication next fall.

Please visit: to download the submission file.

For more information, or to inquire about the suitability of a piece, call (559)285-0795 or e-mail [email protected]


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