
Political articles/news from local authors

More Gay Republicans

Shocker! There are more closeted Republicans voting against gay rights while secretly having gay sex! Seems like it will literally never stop. Check out this column about the latest…Republican Sexcapades, which involves a Washington State Republican Representative by the name of Richard Curtis, who has voted against Domestic Partnership bills as well as a bill […]

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ENDA Bill Faces Challenge

The origins of the Employment Non Discrimination Act, a bill which would protect LGBT Americans from discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation, go back more than 30 years. New ENDA bills are currently moving through Congress, and with an LGBT community far more visible and vocal, along with a Democratic majority in Congress,

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San Diego Mayor Stands Up

The San Diego City Council recently voted 5-3 to join other California cities in supporting an overturning of the state’s ban on same sex marriage, a matter currently pending in the state Supreme Court. The case resulted from court decisions to invalidate marriage licenses issued in 2004 in San Francisco with the approval of  Mayor

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Stall Stories

Watching Republicans must be what it feels like when the first stages of insanity start to set in. You realize you’re still in the same world, your feet are on the ground, yet things don’t make sense like they used to. Other Americans see the same things which astound you, yet they’re not only comfortable

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Words Will Never Hurt Me

I suspect most of us recall the rhyme, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. Like much of what we’re force fed as children, Americans abandon the message in favor of political and social control. Other lessons are equally false, such as “all people are created equal” and “let

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Valentine’s Day Marriage Equality

For the LGBT community, Valentine’s Day is now synonymous with political action and demonstration. Every year, same sex couples from around the country gather at their County Clerk’s offices on that day to request marriage licenses with the knowledge that they will not be issued. It’s a way to keep the issue of marriage discrimination

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Freedom To Marry Discussion Panel

Central California Alliance will host a Freedom To Marry Panel & Community Discussion on Saturday, February 10th. The event will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno, which is located at 4144 North Millbrook Avenue in Fresno. There will be a photo presentation and discussion of the issues. Scheduled event time is from

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STAND UP for Marriage Equality

STAND UP with us on February 14th! On Wednesday, February 14th, Marriage Equality USA will host the 3rd Annual Marriage Equality Demonstration in downtown Fresno at the County Clerk’s Office. This action will involve same sex couples, along with allies and supporters, gathering at the County Clerk’s office to request marriage licenses.   Under current

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Political Tools (Get Out & VOTE!)

An election is approaching, on Tuesday, November 7th, 2006. While we can’t vote to abolish the current administration at the highest levels, we have a chance to in some way begin to change the structure responsible for the current devastating destruction of American principals and integrity. We’ve been force fed lie upon concept upon affiliation

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