CCA: Send A Message To Governor Schwarzenegger

I wanted to let you know that as President of CCA , I have written, and called Gov. Schwarzenegger to let him know that we appreciate, and expect him to maintain, his commitment to respect and enforce the CA Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage. However, we are in a serious fight for our civil rights. Our opponents are spending lots of money and they are gathering the forces from Focus on the Family and other outside organizations to turn this ruling over. California is now the battleground.

We need your help. Please fax, call or email Gov. Schwarzenegger to let him know we are watching what he does and we expect him to not waiver on this one. Click on Read More…

It only takes a minute of your time. Our civil rights, our children’s civil rights, are being threatened once again. If a Constitutional Amendment goes through, depending how it is written it may even overturn Domestic Partnerships. I saw this happen in Ohio and it is tragic. Our future depends on how we respond today. Let’s change our future together.

Thank you, Beverly Senkowski 

Jim Daggs and I both called this number and followed the prompts. All is legit! It only takes a minute!

We’re working hard to stop the people who are going to put a proposition on the November ’08 ballot that would amend the California State Constitution to ban same-sex marriages. These near-sighted people are not protecting marriage; they are trying to institutionalize second-class citizenship!

To vote in support of the Supreme Court’s decision on LGBT marriage:

  1. call 1-916-445-2841
  2. press 1, 5, 1, 1

After you’ve done this, please send it on to all supporters you know.

It couldn’t be easier to vote… honestly… please take 15 seconds right now to do it!

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is receiving large numbers of phone calls from the supporters of "Limits on Marriage" (the constitutional amendment baning same sex marriage in California) about his comment to a group of Log Cabin Republicans that he would not support such a constitutional amendment.
We can’t afford to let this Governor, like other Governor’s before him, go back on his word.  He must hear from us, too.
The aide I spoke to yesterday was so glad I called as most of his calls were from the "other side."   Now it is automated and you will not talk to anyone, just push the number for pro Supreme Court decision.

Call, email, or write him and thank him for his declining to support this vile initiative.  (They don’t ask what state you are from, by the way.)

To email go to, hit email tab and select Supreme Court decision on Same Sex Marriage.  On the next  screen you must click PRO.  It’s a little confusing since we’re talking about the initiative for which we are "con."  Then just a couple of words of thanks are all you need.  Long letters won’t be read anyway.

State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 (new number)

Anything you can do will be most appreciated!



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