Cleve Jones Speaks Out In Fresno

ImageImageImageWhen voters passed Proposition 8 and abolished same-sex marriage in California, a lot of young people in the gay community may have felt discouraged. On Saturday, a star of the gay rights movement gave them a pep talk.

Cleve Jones — longtime friend and supporter of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office in the state — was the keynote speaker at the Expression Not Suppression conference at First Congregational Church in Fresno. Jones tried to inspire the 275 people in attendance to continue their fight for equal treatment.

"When I came out of the closet, it was a felony for two people of the same sex to have sex," said Jones, 54. "Don’t ever believe progress doesn’t happen. Change does happen … but only if you do the work."

Read the rest of the story HERE


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