Clovis Mayor, Nathan Magsig, comes out to support anti-gay rally

Image  Clovis Mayor Nathan Magsig comes out to support Traditional Values Coalition

At a TVC Rally against gay rights, civil unions and marriage Mayor Magsig was heard supporting the TVC message.
Unfortunately the roar of the crowd and the singing and chants from the demonstrators were too loud to make his message audible.

If you are upset that a city Mayor used his position to promote unequal treatment of residents please read on…

Please write to him and tell him that makes you angry, or disappoints you..or just say what you feel.  We must let him know that he is contributing to an atmosphere of hate and fear in Clovis, and he is losing support.  If you have ever had the opportunity to vote for this man, please say that!   Below, I have included a sample letter; please re-word it to suit your personal message.  A handwritten letter is the best kind of correspondence with officials, second is a typed letter snail-mailed.  If that’s too much trouble, please at least send an email.

His information is on this page:
also, cc the following email addresses for the city council: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Mayor Nathan F. Magsig
1033 Fifth Street, Clovis, CA  93612
(559) 324-2010
Dear Mr. Mayor,
I am appalled to discover that you attended a Traditional Values Coalition
rally over the weekend, supporting a bigoted agenda to maintain second-class
status for gay and lesbian people.   It disappoints me that the elected leader of
Clovis is lending his name to such an organization, and it stinks of political
opportunism.  Don’t you recall all the white leaders who made their names by
disciminating against African-Americans throughout the 50s and 60s?  Don’t let
that be the kind of legacy you build! 
You have an opportunity to stand up for freedom and justice, and so many of
the ideals we Americans hold dear.  Please do not be swayed by a small group of
vocal hatemongers, who only want to maintain their "right" to discriminate. 
Please reply to me, and let me know that you will not be participating in any
future activities of this nature.
Your name
Your address
special thanks to Whitney Weddell for helping with this and providing a sample letter.

Followup, from archived copy of ABC 30 webpage:

Debate Over Gay Marriage in Clovis

He jumped into the controversy when he went to a rally. Now, the mayor of Clovis is defending his decision to speak out in support of traditional marriage.
The debate over same sex marriage spilled into Clovis city hall Monday night.

Gay marriage supporters think the city’s mayor has gone too far in promoting traditional family values.

"Clovis, It’s A Way Of Life" is a slogan for the city. But to some, it suggests a city that is intolerant of anything other than a traditional way of life.

The controversy was sparked more than a week ago, when Clovis Mayor Nathan Magsig spoke at a rally supporting traditional marriage.

Some members of the community felt Magsig’s appearance as mayor was inappropriate.

"The fact that he was there acting as the mayor and was there as the mayor, and introduced as the mayor, he somewhat represented the whole city in his viewpoint, because he did go there as the mayor and not as an individual," says Jason Scott, a concerned citizen.

Magsig says even as mayor, he has the right to his own opinion.

"Freedom of speech is a wonderful right that all of us in the United States have," says Mayor Magsig.

"And of course, I personally believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. That’s a personal opinion I have, and one that I stand by."

Both sides spoke out at the Clovis city council meeting — most praising Magsig’s support of family values.

"Those family values are based on the Judaeo-Christian values many of us share in this family," says Clovis resident Chris Patton. "I think it’s important this council understands, that is the majority."

Critics said the rally was about more than marriage. It was also a forum calling for the denial of equal legal rights to gays and lesbians.

"What’s going on here, from a certain few of the Christian coalition, is wrong," says Clovis resident James Evans. "Everyone is created equal under the eyes of God."

Magsig said he was obligated as mayor to speak out on what he thinks is right.

Two of Magsig’s companions on the city council endorsed his position.

But, former mayor Lynn Ashbeck said she was disappointed this issue would come up at a city council meeting, since it is not relevant to the work city councils are supposed to be doing.


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