CSU brings it home!

By: Eva Falk

So Fresno State won another big sports event. That may have been an exciting evening for some, but not so much for me. I will however make exceptions for the right crowd and some cold beer on a rare occasion. I have a deeper appreciation for the arts, and CSU’s summer arts program turns out some amazing performances every year. Plus it gets me out of the house and still out of the heat. Alix Olsen, a witty and amusing folk poet will be performing on July 8th with Kimberly Dark at the Wahlberg Recital Hall at 7pm for only 10 bucks. Not only will this be an evening of passion, art, and politics being expressed, but also plenty of intellect and insights to go around. Heated topics that will keep you thinking and discussing for weeks. Topics like consumerism, hairy armpits, and plenty of references to female genitalia, pubbies, and sex toys…yay! Very liberating! This is the kind of evening that makes the perfect date or an outing with a group of friends who enjoy having their views challenged. I’ve never seen Alix Olsen perform in person but I did watch her on Def Poetry several years ago. I loved her work so much I bought her album, Built Like That. On Built Like That, Olsen tackles topics like lesbianism, defying traditional feminism, The Walmart generation, and even sexual orientation in the military. But don’t assume Olsen is your typical anti-establishment lesbian activist artist. She will surprise you when you least expect it and all while entertaining you and subtly seducing your mind with her charming personality and highly developed rhyming skills. Olsen also has a dvd called Left Lane On The Road, which is still on my amazon’s wish list. Anyway, I have not watched it yet so i’ve attached the product description from amazon.com below. Alix Olson is an internationally touring folk poet and progressive queer artist-activist. One part peace vigil one part protest rally and one part joyful raucous concert Alix ignites audiences everywhere as she performs. LEFT LANE chronicles life on the road with Alix Olson and her road manager/filmmaker Samantha Farinella as they tour the country connecting the dots from a high school visit in Lincoln Nebraska to a CD release party in New York City. LEFT LANE highlights spoken-word performances from around the country and a plethora of behind the scenes glimpses at the search for independent thought grassroots defiance passionate connection organic food and clean laundry. Sounds enticing, I just ordered it. I love the freedom to shop without dealing with crying kids and crowded lines.


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