It’s difficult to write this. I’ve been angry before at politicians, many, many times. What’s difficult is that this feels different. Seeing the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell fail again seemed impossible. I mean, the data is in, isn’t it? We hated seeing the study take place, but it came back in our favor. Even many of the military’s top brass told Congress that the law should be repealed.

Still, it failed again. READ MORE HERE

I’m not one of the many voices in the LGBT community to lay this on Obama. Yes, I wish he’d been tougher on Congress, but after his recent extension of tax cuts for the wealthiest of Americans, I’m beginning to think Obama is a lost cause on just about everything. That joy the night he was elected, of witnessing the first black President in US history has been all but dashed at this point.

The real criminals here? The American people. Not even a majority of us vote, despite the fact that voting by absentee ballot makes the process easy and simple. I’ve been doing it for years. Knowing that any American can vote from the comfort of their own home and then just mail it in, against the knowledge of how few of us actually vote, is pathetic.

Harry Reid has sworn to keep this going until January 4th, but how are any of us supposed to have any belief in any of these career politicians any more?


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