
Does Court Have Authority to Rule on DOMA? And How Congress Could Spend That $3 Million

DOMAdough-240x250A couple great updates on the DOMA Case that’s coming before the Supreme Court in March.

First, there’s a new amicus brief from a law professor that contends that the Supremes don’t have the authority to rule on the validity of the Defense of Marriage Act. As reported on SDGLN:

In an amicus brief, Professor, Vicki C. Jackson contends that the Obama Administration’s agreement with a lower court rulings that DOMA is unconstitutional, strips the Justices’ authority to rule on DOMA, and that the House of Representatives’ GOP leadership does not have a right to appear in the case under Article III of the Constitution.

It’s an interesting legal theory, but somehow we don’t see the Supreme Court deciding they aren’t qualified to hear something they have already decided to hear.

Separately, we ran across this great infographic (thanks to that illustrates some of the things the US House could have done with that $3 Million they’ve so far wasted on defending this bigoted law.

We’ll keep you posted as the cases against DOMA and Prop 8 continue to develop.


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