Equality California Decides On 2012

ImageEquality California (EQCA) has made the decision to focus on a 2012 ballot measure, rather than 2010. You can read and download their report on this by clicking here… Equality California Analysis & Plan

The following is from EQCA Marriage Director Marc Solomon…

People have been asking me for weeks, "What is EQCA’s position on when to go back to the ballot, 2010, 2012 or at a later date when we are confident we will win?"

As I’ve been saying all along, we’ve been doing our due diligence, listening to the full breadth and depth of opinions our diverse community has to offer, considering very carefully all sides of the discussion and gingerly crafting our best recommendations. Today we are ready to make our recommendation to the community.

For the first time, we have the opportunity to choose the best time to go back to the ballot, and we strongly think 2012 is the way to go. Here are the top reasons why:

To read the rest of this article click HERE


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