Family Research Council complains that Amtrak seeks gay travelers

”Most all of the major airlines, hotels and others in the travel and tourism industry target the LGBT market segment … Amtrak ’s goal is to raise the level of awareness of the benefits of train travel and increase consideration and ridership amongst this segment.” Darlene Abudakar, described by the Daily Caller as the director of national advertising for Amtrak. The train company announced recently that it would be courting LGBT travelers. (Daily Caller)


”’For the first time in the train’s history, Amtrak has decided to spend a quarter-million dollars recruiting gay passengers… This is a government-run business, meaning that the $250,000 comes directly out of taxpayers’ pockets…. a federal endorsement of homosexuality–one of, if not the, biggest threats to public health in America. And funding that message of perversion on the backs of Americans who disagree is an insult. Now it’s obvious why Washington is targeting this tiny population–because it happens to be one of the richest.”

Tony Perkins in a press release from Family Research Council, the very rich and politically active religious organization that regularly denounces all things gay, complaining about Amtrak‘s planned ad campaign for the LGBT community. (FRC)


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