Final photos of marriages in Fresno

Longtime Fresno community photographer and attorney, Howard K. Watkins, is partnering with the Fresno Regional Foundation and the Henry Madden Library at CSU Fresno to establish the Howard K. Watkins Photographic Archive Project. The Project’s goal is to make Howard’s more than 175,000 photographs publicly accessible as an online historical archive. He was present on June 17th and has provided the following photos in various quality formats at no charge:

Marriage Equality Day at the Fresno County Clerk’s Office
Thaiphoon Restaurant Reception

Please support the Howard K. Watkins Photographic Archive Project to help preserve and make publicly available this pictorial archive of history by making a tax-deductible donation to the Fresno Regional Foundation, please Click Here.

Also available: Photos and a short write up by Mike Rhodes of Community Alliance, page 1 and page 2. Also last page of Alliance online.


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