Fresno county supervisors “Investigating” library’s pride displays

LGBT Fresno has been contacted regarding Fresno County supervisors Steve Brandau and Nathan Magsig visiting multiple Fresno/Clovis library locations to make complaints and request modifications to their pride displays. Also, asking for “alternative viewpoints” to be posted alongside these annual pride displays. Library officials have also been contacted by Paul Nerland, Fresno County Administrative Officer.

Our community must stand up against these forms of intimidation! Please take a moment to share your support for inclusive library displays here.

Contact Fresno County Supervisors to let them know we exist, we belong and they represent US!
Steve Brandau (559) 600-2000
Nathan Magsig (559) 600-5000
Ernest Buddy Mendes (559) 600-4000
Sal Quintero (559) 600-3000
Brian Pacheco (559) 600-1000

Paul Nerland County Administrative Officer (559) 600‐1810


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