Give A Little

Image With Christmas and the end of the year fast approaching, there’s no better time to donate cash or goods to any number of nonprofit organizations. Christmas in America has become crass and excessive, with a constant barrage of advertising targeted to empty our pockets on yet another material possession we probably don’t need. While people camp outside department stores for two days just so they can buy the latest tech gadget, there are a multitude of organizations which could put some of our money to much better use, helping any number of people in need. Most donations are also tax deductible, but in order to be valid for the tax year of 2007, they must be made by December 31st.  

In researching nonprofit organizations in the Fresno County area, I found more than 1,400 groups and services. The specifics are varied, and include care giving, food & clothing distribution, senior services, HIV & health services and treatment, political action, education, disability assistance, shelters and animal rescue.

Following is a small sampling of nonprofit organizations which accept donations. Instructions for accessing an extensive list of over 1,400 organizations and services is at the end of this article, and will also be added to the LINKS section on GayFresno.

All About Care Provides practical, emotional, spiritual, and charitable support for persons and significant others with terminal illness, especially those affected by HIV/AIDS. All About Care sponsors bimonthly support groups for women with HIV/AIDS, for mothers of sons and daughters lost to and living with HIV/AIDS, and for children of parents with HIV/AIDS. Also offers legal referrals, community outreach, education seminars, speakers, and referral for prescription drugs.

American Red Cross Since its founding in 1881 by visionary leader Clara Barton, the American Red Cross has been the nation’s premier emergency response organization. As part of a worldwide movement that offers neutral humanitarian care to the victims of war, the American Red Cross distinguished itself by also aiding victims of devastating natural disasters. Over the years, the organization has expanded its services, always with the aim of preventing and relieving suffering.

Bulldog Pride Scholarship Fund
Established in 2005 by Peter Robertson [BA ’92, MA ’95, MBA ’05] and officially recognized by the Fresno State Alumni Association in 2006, the Bulldog Pride Scholarship Fund is an endowment that provides an annuity to support students at Fresno State.

Central California Alliance A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting positive change, equal rights, social and networking opportunities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people through programs of community service and philanthropy.

Community Link
The purpose of this corporation shall be: to promote social well-being of individuals within the community through education and entertainment; to be instrumental in promoting a better understanding of the community by networking with other segments of the general population; to promote and support the Arts and cultural exchanges, to sponsor an annual vigil against violence; to provide information to the general population though an ongoing speakers bureau; to publish a community resource directory; and to develop services and programs for the community as they arise.

Fresno Metro Ministries
Fresno Metro Ministry primarily addresses community issues that affect low-income and middle-income residents. Current major projects include health care access, hunger and food security, building caring relationships across cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and advocating for helping human services to strengthen families and individuals.

Imperial Dove Court Our primary purpose is to sponsor activities in order to raise money for charity.

Knights Of Malta
A levi leather charitable social club to serve as a community support group for the gay and lesbian community.

Marjaree Mason Center
The Marjaree Mason Center (MMC) is the only program of shelter and comprehensive supportive services for women and children victimized by abuse and homelessness in Fresno County. MMC addresses the serious and life-threatening issues of domestic violence and homelessness for women and their children by offering programs of multilevel intervention

PFLAG Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) is a national non-profit organization with over 200,000 members and supporters and over 500 affiliates in the United States. This vast grassroots network is cultivated, resourced and serviced by the PFLAG national office, located in Washington, D.C., the national Board of Directors and 13 Regional Directors.

Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the nation’s leading women’s health care provider, educator, and advocate, serving women, men, teens, and families. For more than 90 years, we’ve done more than any other organization in the United States to improve women’s health and safety, prevent unintended pregnancies, and advance the right and ability of individuals and families to make informed and responsible choices.

Poverello House Poverello House is a private, nonprofit, nondenominational organization that has been serving the hungry and homeless of our community since 1973. Mike McGarvin saw a need and addressed it simply: he began handing out sandwiches on the streets. Inspired by his example, others came to lend a hand, and with the help of churches, businesses, and volunteers, the outreach grew. In 1981, through the generous contribution of a supporter, Poverello House was established in its current location on "F" Street. A major expansion and renovation was completed in 1992, adding office space, a family dining room, a shower and laundry facility, and modernizing our kitchen.

Reel Pride The mission of Fresno Reel Pride is to increase the awareness of the gay and lesbian community through the exhibition of films and videos exploring gay and lesbian themes at an annual festival in Fresno. Fresno Reel Pride, through the universal appeal of movies, works to produce a major cultural event for the entire Central Valley community designed to enhance community acceptance and understanding while adding to the diversity of a culturally rich city.

The Golden State Bears
We have decided to put together a Bear club in the Fresno area as a means to meet Bears, Cubs and friends of Bears in a secure and friendly environment. The club also has fund-raising activites for non-profit organizations.

The Living Room Social support, information and referral, activities, and advocacy for people infected with, affected by or at risk for HIV/AIDS

WestCare Outreach and education for men who are at risk for HIV/AIDS

To access information on the over 1,400 various Fresno County Non-Profit Organizations, click on the following link
In the first search box, labeled “BASIC SEARCH”, type in the word “nonprofit” (no spaces, all one word) and click on START SEARCH. From there you can view listings and get detailed information.



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