Help Stop The “Protect Marriage” Proposition

Image Get involved in-order to battle the current movement to forever ban the LGBT community from achieving marriage equality by amending the California State constitution.

Vow to Vote NO on Proposition 8!

We all work hard to treat other fairly because each of us deserves the same. Be careful if approached to vote on a proposition that will “Protect Marriage”, – it’s really an effort to give government more say in our private lives.  This petition is actually about amending the state constitution to exclude same-sex couples from ever marrying in California.

Help STOP this unfair proposition. Vote NO on Proposition 8!
Every Californian deserves fairness under the law.  Our government should not be in the business of telling people who they can or cannot marry.
Support fairness. Please Vote NO on Proposition 8!

Two people in a committed, loving, trusted relationship deserved the honor and support that comes with marriage.  Equality for All is a large and diverse coalition of civil rights, faith, choice, labor and community-of-color organizations working to stop and defeat any ballot measure that would deny gay and lesbian couples the right to marry in California.

Please visit for more information.
Call 559-593-6766 or email to [email protected] for questions or to get involved in Fresno.

If you are interested in getting involved with this campaign in Fresno, come to our community meeting on Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 6:00 pm!  The meeting will be held at the GSA Network Central Valley location at 928 N. Van Ness Ave., Fresno, Ca 93728!  We look forward to seeing you there and bring a friend!


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