Homeland Security to Consider Binational LGBT Couples’ Marriage Status Before Deportation

After pressure earlier this week from Rep. Nancy Pelosi and a coalition of more than 80 Democrats, Homeland Security says it will consider the partner status of gay potential deportees. Chris Geidner reports at Buzzfeed:

The department has issued a new policy governing the issuances of “Notice to Appear” documents, which is the step that starts removal proceedings, which can lead to deportation. The new policy will put the policies of U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services — which considers green card applications — in alignment with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement policies for “low priority” enforcement cases, according to the department — which means that USCIS won’t likely issue the notices unless other negative factors, like a criminal record, are found. A spokesman did not respond to an immediate request for a copy of the policy.

See the Full Story at Joe.My.God


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