
How DOMA Impacts Social Security for Gay/Lesbian Couples

social_security_administrationQ. I am a 61-year-old gay man who is about to retire. I have a 60-year-old partner. We have been together now for 38 years.

I have worked all my life. My partner has spent most of his life as a stay-at-home husband and father. (Yes, we raised a son and daughter, both of whom are now very successful.) I really enjoy your column and have learned a lot from it. But I have never seen a column in which you have discussed Social Security issues that impact gays and lesbians, especially with respect to benefits for spouses. What can you tell us about this?

A. Frankly, there isn’t much to tell you that doesn’t apply to everyone else. In almost all respects, Social Security is the same for straight people and for gay people.

See the Full Story at the National Ledger


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