I luv dis•cord

1.lack of concord or harmony between persons or things: marital discord. 2.disagreement; difference of opinion. 3.strife; dispute; war.

Now that is a weird headline, and what is worse the implication is downright scary.  It implies that a person like dispute strife and war.

Yes the word has negative connotation and it is understandable that anyone in their right mind would want to stay away from discord.  But in our effort to distance ourselves from war and strife we may be losing much more than we realize.

While the ideas presented here apply to just about any part of our lives and society at large I write this with our current political atmosphere in mind.  And more specifically what inspires this writing is the recent decision by  the board for the American Conservative Union which voted to deny GOProud the opportunity to co-sponsor the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC.  This to me singles and highlights a very dangerous attitude which seems to be taking hold in American politics.  Namely – our way of thinking is the right way and we will not allow or tolerate disagreement.

I have added Mr. Barron, Chairman of the Board at GOproud to my friend list on facebook.  Recently I criticized his position on an issue on his wall.  In response I received what seemed like logical critique – if you don’t like what he has to say why are you his friend?  My answer: because I believe in the value of disagreement, I <3 discord.

What is the value of disagreement?  First let us look at two possible consequences to complete agreement and harmony.  For one one we will end up with a homogeneous mind set.  That means that what is believed to to be true shall not be questioned.  And any new thought and or information that may shape and yes even change perceived truth will not be allowed.  The result of this will be an unchanging mind set.  This is extremely dangerous because the key to growth is change.

Growth requires change, and change creates growth.  Examples of this in our history are extremely obvious yet we seem to forget them and more importantly forget the immeasurable value that change has awarded our society.

Had someone not challenged the then conventional truth that the earth was flat we may have never discovered America.  Had someone never challenged the conventional (and even Biblical supported) concept that slavery was the norm we would continue to treat our fellow humans as less than and ended the most extremely harmful actions taken by our society.  Had someone not challenged the truth of the day that women are as capable as men we would have a society that would be lacking the benefits of women in leadership.  These examples are extremely simplistic yet if one takes time to analyze and study them it will be life changing to realize the power of change and discord.

When the above mentioned ideas were first proposed they were extremely unpopular.  Some were imprisoned and others had to die for daring to go against the norm.

The current mind set, and yes I will be specific that of the conservative movement seems to be that of “our way or no way”.   They subscribe to the notion that “our way of life, our moral code and our political opinion is the right one and opposing it means that you are wrong and unwelcome in the discussion”.

To them I say take a look at what you are proposing and I don’t mean the ideas you are proposing, I mean the philosophy you are proposing.  And then understand the logical consequences of of your concept taking further control of the political discussion.  It stands to reason that the result will be that individuals and organizations will either have to fall in line with your view or fall out. Therefore we will end up with either a homogeneous society which will limit growth.  Or we will end up with a society of one (or few) since those who do not agree with your view will be cast aside, or worse.

I am Chris Barron’s friend on facebook, because he thinks radically differently than I do.   Not that I may agree with him 100% of the time.  And not to get him to agree with my opinion or point of view.  But rather so that his point of view added to my view and life experience may bring me to a greater truth.  And that is the true value of discord.


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