Did you know there are over 21,000 HIV positive Californians as of September 30, 2007? well it’s true, according to the current California HIV Surveillance Report.
HIV is most prevalent amongst White people (49%), Hispanics (28%) and African Americans (18%), where in that community it is currently spreading rapidly at a disproportionate rate. Of course it's not demographics that is the cause of transmission, it's a persons behaviors that ultimately put them at risk for contracting the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).
74% of total cases accounted for in california are men who have sex with men(MSM). although unprotected anal or vaginal sex and sharing needles for injection drug use are considered higher when talking about exposure, sharing tattooing needles/ink and unprotected oral sex on men OR women are still considered risky behaviors when engaging in them with a person who is HIV positive, included are those who choose not to disclose, as well as those who are NOT aware of their current status.
Out of the 1 million HIV infected individuals in the
I know I am.... are you?
21,856 HIV Positive in
10,656 White
6,073 Hispanic
3,911 Black or African American
5,879 20 - 29
8,264 30 - 39
5,081 40 – 49
1,937 Over 49
Exposure Category
14,515 Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
2,025 Heterosexual Contact
1,646 Injection Drug Use (IDU)
1,479 MSM who are also Injection Drugs Users
for this and more detailed information visit: http://www.dhs.ca.gov/AIDS/Statistics/pdf/Stats2005/Sep05HIVmerged.pdf
Testing Sites:
Fresno Co.
Rapid test consist of a quick painless swabbing of the gums/cheek
20 – 40 minutes single session counseling and results are ready to go!
Testing at local bars varies by month, please contact Fresno Co. for information.
Fresno County Health Dept (blood test only)
1221 Fulton Mall “Specialty Clinic” on 1st Floor
Anonymous Tue 8-11 & Thurs 1-4
Confidential Mon/Wed/Fri 8:00-11:00am & 1:00-4:00pm
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (blood test only)
650 North Fulton
(559) 488-4900
Fresno County EOC Health Services Clinic (blood test only)
1047 “R” Street