brian xmas

Joy to the World

brian xmasBehold!  Congratulations to all of you that not only survived Thanksgiving, but also the legendary Black Friday!  Here, at home, Lil B (my husband) and I spent it with my sister and her family. Mom was here as well, but reeling from a cold, so she was a little quiet.  Never the less, the house was full, messy, and loud the entire weekend!

Lil B and Liz (our niece) commanded the kitchen, pumping out a dinner that was layered in love. To watch them together in the kitchen is like watching a cooking show on TV. They are extremely entertaining to listen to. There is never a dull moment and it’s always a hot mess in the kitchen with dirty dishes and pots and pans everywhere in the end.

But, onward Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, and that other one up front with the big red nose. . .  Um,  Rudolph.  We have Christmas to prepare for!   Since we are traditionalists, we waited until December 1st to erect the tree and cover every square inch of the entire house with Christmas trinkets. I learned a long time ago that this is my husband’s favorite holiday. It is the one holiday that he is an active participant in, enthusiastically preparing the house for the holiday. His enthusiasm is so great, that the house resembles the Christmas aisle in Target when he is done.!  It is way over done and at times I just wished someone would come buy it all and take it away!


I have to say this has been a year full of surprises, ups and downs, and challenges all around.  Even with all the ‘Positive Thinking’ tools I have equipped myself with, I have barely managed to stay sane with everything that was on my plate.  My next novel, Diego’s Secret was wrapped up just a few weeks ago.  My editor said that it was a nice example of the genre, and a happily-ever-after that was perfect.  Positive affirmation is an easy way to my heart.  Now, what lies ahead. is four months of planning and preparing a successful release of the book on May 1, 2018.

Since the holidays always put me in the giving spirit, I have a little gift for you.  If you are currently receiving my newsletter via email, then you are a member of the Readers Lounge. For all members, next month I’ll introduce you to the main characters from Diego’s Secret, as well as provide a giveaway opportunity of one free autographed advance copy of the book each month until it’s released to the public. If you’re not a member, sign up now and never miss another giveaway!

I hope by now you’ve also had the chance to enter the Joy to The World Christmas Giveaway that I am hosting. This year you could win a brand new Kindle. There’s still time to enter if you haven’t entered yet. Just follow the link above and get your name in there for the drawing on December 15th.

As we go through the next couple of weeks, I wish the very best for you this Christmas season. Let the holiday spirit renew your youth by stirring your wonder. Let it not be about material things, but about a positive state of mind, providing kindness to all, and bringing joy to those all around you.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

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