Kern County Public Debate On Same Sex Marriage (Video)

Kern Supervisors Hear Public Arguments On Gay Marriage
The public gave their input at the Kern County Supervisors meeting held Tuesday, June 10.  Ann Barnett was both praised and criticized for her decision to halt civil marriage ceremonies in her office.  People also spoke out in favor and against a proposed ordinance that would ban handing out licenses to gay couples wanting to get married.

YouTube Video of the Kern Public Hearing, broken into eight parts, followed by related video.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight

Supervisor Maben Makes A Request Kern County Supervisor Don Mabem made a request of county staff as to the practicality/legality of another department in taking over the ceremonies.  He also wanted to investigate County Clerk Ann Barnett’s sudden budget, space, and security issues.

Supervisors Discuss Gay Marriage Issue At Meeting (part 1) Maggard and Jon McQuiston give their input about where they stand on the issue.

Supervisor Discusses Gay Marriage Issue At Meeting (part 2) Kern County Supervisor Mike Maggard gives his input on the issue.



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