
LA Porn Industry Faces Mandatory Condoms

The porn industry in Los Angeles is getting a directive from the LA City Council…Condom Use Is No Longer an Option…It’s a Requirement…


In the years after AIDS became such a devastating disease, porn films generally “manned up” and instituted condom use, but with the decline of AIDS related deaths and a manageable routine to treat the disease, condom use not only waned, but a whole new market of films which deliberately and blatantly threw out condom use, proliferated. “Bareback” films were back in vogue.

Now, at least in LA, government is stepping in to change the system, in an effort to battle HIV & STD infections.

The controversy erupted in August, 2010…

After a performer in Miami had an initial positive test from a medical clinic for the virus that causes AIDS, a weeklong shutdown of porn production from coast to coast in early September ensued, affecting scores of major and minor productions. Luckily for the titans of this industry, it turned out to be a false positive.

Despite the false positive, the campaign for mandatory condoms kicked into high gear.

The measure does need a second approval, next week, before it can become law. If it does, there are already talks of the industry moving underground or out of state to avoid the restrictions.



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