Let California Ring – “I Do” Campaign

ImageImageLet California Ring has started the "I DO" Campaign, offering a range of merchandise to help us all show our support publically for the cause of equal gay rights, and to spark conversations with those around us. Proceeds go toward marriage education. Click HERE to see a video by Wanda and to check out the merchandise available.

Following is a message from Wanda Sykes…

I do. I do believe in equality for all and I do want to make a difference.

When Prop 8 passed, I was heartbroken. As a black lesbian, I already knew there was a lot of ignorance and misunderstanding out there (trust me), but Prop 8 still stung me deeper than I ever thought it would. 

I knew I had to do something. So I came out thinking maybe I could get a few more people talking about what gay is and how discrimination hurts. And if I could start a conversation, then maybe a few of those folks would start to open their minds and we’d all move a little closer to equality for all.


But me talking in front of the cameras is only part of it. We know that one-on-one conversations are the best way to open people’s minds, so what we need to do now is get those conversations started. We all need to talk to our friends, that straight couple across the hall or that favorite cashier at the grocery store. 

That’s why I’m helping launch Let California Ring’s “I Do” campaign.

“I Do” is our chance to be loud and proud–to show how much we support the freedom to marry. It’s our chance to spark conversations to open minds. 

Show your support for the freedom to marry –and start conversations—with “I Do" gear: t-shirts, lawn signs, bumper stickers and more.

They say the hardest part of a conversation is the first line – well, let I Do take care of that and you just do the rest. 

Display your gear with pride (and not just to the dance clubs, boys) and folks will start asking you, “What’s I Do?” And that’s your chance – your chance to tell your story, our story, and our chance to open hearts and minds. 

Oh, all the “I Do” products are union made in the United States and proceeds go toward marriage education work in California .

I do. How about you? 


Wanda Sykes
Board of Directors
Equality California Institute 


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