LGBTQ Social Group – Christmas In July (Review)

On July 11, 2008 I hosted the social event for the month to be themed “Christmas in July”. About thirty people had RSVP’d since I was going to provide the main course and some sides and desserts. Approximately about twelve showed up. I had cleaned, decorated the place and had a fully decorated Christmas tree (Thanks to Lance and Tom) and cooked which was not easy in one day. I would like to thank Daniel for helping me to co host as I was getting things prepared and having everyone feel at home.

Dave and Jason showed us some pictures of newly married couples who took advantage of the same-sex open marriage date. (Congrats to all of you) and then we all chatted for awhile as I was getting the food all laid out. I tried to keep it as close to ‘ Holiday’ meal as possible down to the pumpkin pie and whipped cream.

After we all sat to have dinner we all chatted some more to get to know one another a little more and then we had our ‘White Elephant’ Christmas gift exchange game. Many gifts were ‘stolen’ a few times making it fun to play and took about an hour to play. I still have my muffin baking kit including mixing bowl to try out.

When all was said and done, I had received many compliments and requests to make it an annual event; I will consider this for next year. I had some help to clean up thank you Daniel, Maria, Yolanda, I appreciated it. In all I had a blast and hope to see you all again and more people for the next event coming Aug. 8, 2008.


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