Meet in the Middle for Equality

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On the first Saturday AFTER the California State Supreme Court issues its ruling on the Proposition 8 cases, meet us on the steps of City Hall in downtown
Fresno to rally for NATIONAL LGBT EQUALITY.


The battle for equality has to be fought in small towns like Fresno
— not gay-friendly cities like
San Francisco and
Los Angeles .

The population of
California ‘s Central Valley is far more reflective of national attitudes toward LGBT rights and until we roll up our sleeves and engage the communities of “middle-America, we will not have the full equality we deserve.

This IS the civil rights movement of this generation.

Where will YOU stand when the Court rules?

Where will you STAND for equality?

We will stand in
Fresno …join us!

City Hall at

2600 Fresno Street

93721 for event updates


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