
Newsom, Frum, Reagan on Marriage Equality

youtubeA few more marriage equality loose ends to wrap up for the morning.

Marriage equality hero Gavin Newsom speaks out on the surprising progress same sex marriage has made since 2003, as On Top Magazine reports:

“It’s extraordinary to see that progress,” Newsom said in reference to increasing Republican support on the issue. “I’m all for incrementalism in some ways but not when it comes to fundamental human rights, civil rights. And we have to be as bold as the problem is big. To deny people the ability to live their lives out loud and to fall in love and express that love and devotion and faith to one another was something that upset me. And I just didn’t like the timid nature of my party on it.”

Also at On Top Magazine, Ron Reagan, son of the former President, had this to say about GOP opposition to marriage equality:

“It’s not just that they are hateful towards gay people, it’s that they are ridiculous about this issue,” Reagan told host Chris Matthews. “Now you can be hated and people still respect you in some way, shape or form. But when you’re absurd, when you’re ridiculous about this kind of issue, you lack all credibility.”

And finally, David Frum talks about why he signed the GOP amicus brief for marriage equality, at The Daily Beast:

“As a conservative concerned with stabilizing families to rely less on government aid, I have been convinced: I’ve been worrying about the wrong thing. Stopping same-sex marriages does nothing to support families battered by economic adversity. Instead, it excludes and punishes people who seek only to live as conservatives would urge them to live. Treating same-sex partnerships differently from husband-wife marriages only serves to divide and antagonize those who ought to be working together.”

As we’ve often observed here, things are moving quickly.

A few more marriage equality loose ends to wrap up for the morning.

Marriage equality hero Gavin Newsom speaks out on the surprising progress same sex marriage has made since 2003, as On Top Magazine reports:

“It’s extraordinary to see that progress,” Newsom said in reference to increasing Republican support on the issue. “I’m all for incrementalism in some ways but not when it comes to fundamental human rights, civil rights. And we have to be as bold as the problem is big. To deny people the ability to live their lives out loud and to fall in love and express that love and devotion and faith to one another was something that upset me. And I just didn’t like the timid nature of my party on it.”



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