
NOM Head Gripes that HRC Stole His Logo

nom-hrc-250x140National Organization for Marriage head Brian Brown is up in arms about the new logo HRC created for the Respect for Marriage Coalition.

“Because I designed NOM’s logo personally, I find this to be an insulting mockery, as well as very ironic: you see, I created this image to reflect the difference between men and women symbolically. The red ring represents men and the blue represents, women. The intertwining of the rings is meant to show that marriage is the unique union of both a woman and a man coming together in committed love. As for what it means for HRC, though, I can’t imagine.”

Joe.My.God takes him to task:

Hate group leader Brian Brown, who stole an Obama rally photo and pretended it was NOM rally, who stole my original video from my YouTube channel and posted it to their own, and who stole a photo from the 1963 March On Washington to use in their artwork to promote their hate march on the Supreme Court.

Black pot, meet kettle.


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