
Prop 8 Ruling February 7th

Prop 8 Ruling is due tomorrow, Tuesday, February 7th.


Courtesy American Foundation for Equal Rights

Special message from Chad Griffin, AFER Board President

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will issue a ruling in AFER’s case challenging Prop. 8 tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. PT.

Be the first to know as soon as the decision is released. Sign up for breaking news updates from AFER, the official sponsor of the Prop. 8 federal court challenge.

As a member of AFER, I’d like to invite you to a special online press briefing following the announcement. I’ll be joined by AFER’s attorneys as well as the two couples challenging Prop. 8 for press conferences at 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Find out details >

After a lengthy and thorough trial, the Federal District Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to single out gay and lesbian couples and deny them a fundamental freedom. The anti-marriage Prop. 8 Proponents immediately appealed that decision and now the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will issue a decision tomorrow.

At the end of the day, it’s wrong for the government to tell someone they can’t marry the person they love. Couples like our plaintiffs, Kris & Sandy and Jeff & Paul, simply want what other Americans want: to be treated with fairness and dignity.

Marriage is a fundamental American freedom and it’s time our country realizes its promise of equality for all.


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