San Francisco Bridge Walk

(Click on images to enlarge for viewing. Photos courtesy Leon Velasco)

This was a great and worth while event. There were individuals representing
Visalia as well as

in the convoy of vans and one vehicle. I went alone, not knowing what I was getting myself into and what to expect. Usually I have someone with me for company. I figured I’d make some new acquaintances and develop new friendships, and that’s just what I did.


Familiar faces showed up at the location of offices adjacent to Kaiser Office by Fashion Fair Mall at about 4:45 am. Little by little people started arriving; eventually everyone who was going to utilize the vans was there. I must admit that at first I wasn’t sure if I was going to be having any fun much less stay awake for the trip up; the change in scenery was all I needed to keep my interest. Everyone was in good spirits and some were running on fumes of energy from partying the night before but it didn’t stop their energy level. (Man, to be young again to party to all hours and still look unfrazzled.)


When we got there, the convergence of people was a great amount. The speakers kept the speeches to a minimum, (as promised), and then it was off to walk the bridge to and from. To start out I was in step with the crowd, some on lookers cheered us on and some vehicles honk in support. Under the bridge, some boaters got into the groove by their faint cheers and waves of support. Once we got across we rested for a few minutes then back across we went, (I had a second wind to power walk across) to reconvene back at the park for a little cake a strawberries treats.


The ride back was a lot of fun, and very interesting to say the least. Ever play the game of exotic dice as a car ride game? It made for some interesting body contortioning. The car ride back was shorter than going up there. In all by the time we hit

I didn’t want the car ride to end. I had made new friends and hope to keep in touch with them all, (especially now that I have Face book).

With dedicated people and supporters, together changes can be made. I hope to be a part of more events for the cause.


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