Secure LGBT Inclusion in Federal Health Surveys

Ask Your Representative to Sign On in Support of an LGBT Question on the National Health Interview Survey

Many LGBT Community Centers offer health services, and our entire community needs this health information in order to fund services for our community!

Our champions on Capitol Hill are leading the charge to rally support for appropriating the $2 million necessary to add a question on the LGBT population to the federal government’s most important and comprehensive health survey, the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Representatives Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Anthony Weiner (D-NY), and Donna Christensen (D-VI) have begun circulating a sign-on "Dear Colleague" letter in the House to show support for adding $2 million in increased funding to the budget for the National Center for Health Statistics, which will pay all costs associated with adding a question about sexual orientation and gender identity to NHIS. This survey helps set the federal government’s priorities in funding health programs, so gathering data on LGBT demographics is vital for demonstrating the impor tance of LGBT health concerns and pushing for increased funding for services for the LGBT community.

Contact your Representative today to ask them to sign onto the Baldwin-Weiner- Christensen Letter in the House.

To contact your Representative, please call the House of Representatives switchboard at (202) 224-3121, give your zip code, and ask to speak to your Representative. You can also visit this link.

When you are connected to your Representative’ s office, ask for the staff member who works on Health and Human Services appropriations. Tell them that you are a constituent who supports appropriating an additional $2 million for the National Health Interview Survey and that you would like them to sign on. In order to sign on, they need to contact:

Rebecca Fox at the National Coalition for LGBT Health
email at Rebecca@lgbthealth. net
phone at (202) 436-0228


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