
State Gets Ready for Return of Marriage Equality

prop8.2The US Supreme Court has announced the dates on which it will make rulings this month. They are next Monday, and Monday, June 24. This means that it’s possible that California could return to marriage equality as soon as Monday, although many court watchers believe that the decision on Prop 8 and DOMA will not be made until the final day. Our friends Stuart and John are planning a rally in San Francisco for the day of the decision. Edge Boston reports:

“Not knowing what the day or the nature of the decision will be, everything feels like a placeholder,” said Stuart Gaffney, who along with his husband, John Lewis, is arranging a public rally in San Francisco. “From couples who would love to exchange their vows ceremonially that day to entertainers and even people who have equipment and sound systems, we can’t say with any certainty whether anyone can be there.”

Even if the court does overturn Prop 8, one way or another, it may be 30 days before gay and lesbian couples can actually begin to marry again. Edge Boston explains:

If gay marriage backers get the ruling they are hoping for, it is likely to take about a month before couples could start getting married in California, according to San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera. The losing side has 25 days under court rules to petition for a rehearing, and the decision would not become final until that period elapses.

We are most likely 12 days or less away from this decision.


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