
Student Study Needs Your Help

I Need Your Help!


If you are between the ages of 18-27 and would like to help a college student achieve her Master’s and would like to have your story heard then please participate!

My name is Danielle Gonzalez and I am a Master’s student at Fresno State in the social work department. I am basing my thesis/project on people who identify as LGBTQ, and their experiences in high school. I would like to discuss your opinions and feelings of your high school experience and recommendations.

This would be a face to face interview and take no longer than an hour in a quiet, secluded room. Your identity will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone related to the center or CSU Fresno, and will be helping a master’s student complete her thesis/project.

For completing the interview you will receive a $5 gift card to Starbucks.

Please call me at (559) 287-2177 if you are interested and we can set up a time to conduct the interview.

Thank you!!


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