Superintendent Nelson neglects to add agenda item for November meeting


Superintendent Bob Nelson has failed to add our community’s agenda item, again. We’re asking that all who see the discrimination by the current school board president, the lack of progress on LGBT protections for our students and the silence by the board president and district to the attack suffered by an LGBT student just days ago, will turn out this Wednesday. The superintendent needs to see us and HEAR from us. Emails are great and we encourage them, but seeing our faces and demanding answers is what is needed at this time. The only way to allow the board to vote for a censure or a reorganization of the board is by the superintendent approving our request for a vote.

We encourage you to attend this upcoming school board meeting on Wednesday, November 8th at 5:30pm and voice your concern about this.

During the conversation, we were also informed that the LGBT community would be standing with Brooke Ashjian and the matter is behind us, this is incorrect. No agreement has been reached to back Mr Ashjian, but we are always willing to do whatever it takes to keep children and our community members safe. It is our desire to continue dialog between the LGBT community and Fresno Unified School District.

During the Oct 11th meeting a discussion item was added regarding President Ashjian’s remarks and actions towards the LGBT community. Due to board policy we now need an “action” item for the board to take action on the community’s request for a censure or reassignment of Brooke Ashjian to no longer be board president. Please join us in emailing Superintendant Nelson and attending the November 8th meeting where we hope to have this item on the agenda, finally. 

A group of more than 10 faith leaders requested it be added. Your support in attending would be greatly appreciated. We were appalled to hear the comments made by board president Brooke Ashjian equating the LGBT community to the horrendous actions by the Ottoman empire against Armenians.

We invite you all to show up on November 8, 2017 at 5:30 pm (earlier if you can) for the Fresno Unified School District board meeting at 2309 Tulare St., Fresno, CA 93721.

You may also call, email or write (details below) Fresno Unified School District board trustees and request they join us in adding this agenda item to the upcoming meeting. Brooke Ashjian should be removed from the Fresno Unified School Board, as president. He is toxic to our youth, both gay and straight. Between his obvious contention for the gay community (of which some of his students belong) and his inability to take either ownership for his words OR to learn from them, he has shown himself to be incapable of leading our youth towards the kind of world we all need: an honest, inclusive, and fair one.

Superintendent Bob Nelson


Email the following board members to ask that they support our efforts to call on Superintendent Nelson to add our agenda item for an up/down vote: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Postal Mail:
(trustee name), 2309 Tulare St., Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 457-3727
In person:
November 8, 2017 at 5:30 pm for the Fresno Unified school board meeting at 2309 Tulare St., Fresno, CA 93721 (3 min or less allowed per person)


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