The CDC, Chlamydia, and YOU.

New statistics from the CDC show an alarming trend.  Over 19 million people were diagnosed this year with a sexually transmitted disease. But one group seems to be hit harder than the rest: young gay and bi black men. 

The rate of young black men getting syphilis rose 134% since 2006 despite a national trend of rates falling from 2009 to 2010 by 1.6%. 

Across all populations, the rate of chlamydia has steadily increased to 1.3 million cases in 2010. 

Researchers believe the rise is due to better screening and more patients being properly diagnosed. 

Blacks and Hispanics are more affected by STDs than whites. This is likely due to social and economic factors — such as low income and lack of access to health care. 

A few more notes from the CDC: 

Young people represent 25% of sexually active people in the U.S. but account for nearly half of new STD cases. 

Obviously something ha to be done. Leaders across the country are calling for more education, more testing sites, and more safe sex tools like condoms and dental dams. 

Because.. and here’s the kicker… chlamydia and syphilis are totally preventable if sex is done safely, namely with protection. 

Condoms and dental damns are available at the LGBT community Center. Before you head out this weekend to the bars, drop by and stock up! 

And when meeting people for casual sex, whether it is in a bar, via online dating or a spontaneous hook up…. Be Prepared! 

And in case you need a reminder… Let’s talk Chlamydia: 

Chlamydia might cause abnormal discharge and painful urination. For men, that’s as bad as it gets. In women, the infection spreads from the cervix to the fallopian tubes. This can cause her to feel lower back and abdominal pain, nausea, fever, spotting between menstrual periods and pain during intercourse. However, the vast majority of people don’t have any symptoms at all, which is why chlamydia is so common, according to the Mayo Clinic. 

Long-Term Effects 
If untreated, chlamydia can pose some serious long-term health effects. While men are less likely to suffer from any complications, women with untreated chlamydia infections can experience permanent damage to their reproductive system. These damages can be silent until it is too late. 
The most common long-term effect of chlamydia is pelvic inflammatory disease. This happens once the chlamydia has spread and causes scar tissue to form in the fallopian tubes and uterus. This scar tissue may result in infertility or ectopic pregnancy, which is a pregnancy that is implanted in the fallopian tubes. This type of pregnancy cannot be successful and can result in fatality to the woman if she carries to term and the tube bursts, resulting in internal bleeding. 

How It Is Spread 
Chlamydia is spread easily, often because the carrier and the partner have no idea of its existence. Chlamydia infections are passed through any sexual contact, be it vaginal, anal or oral. The risk of chlamydia infection is higher in girls under 25 because their cervical opening is not fully matured, allowing for the infection to easily enter into the fallopian tubes. 

STD testing is an important obligation for individuals engaging in sexual intercourse, especially those who have done so with multiple partners. While latex condoms are a good measure to stay safe, it is possible to get infected with chlamydia as well as other STDs if they are used incorrectly or broken.





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