The Last (Gay) Supper

Image Conservatives, the Media and Catholics, oh my! A poster for Folsom Street Fair has fallen under the infantile microscope of the media, with FOX News, while not alone, leading the pack. The poster is a parody of the Last Supper, leather bound for all to see. Even CNN pushed the issue today, calling the picture out for being offensive to all Christians. Of course this is only happening because gay people are involved. And of course the media, as dim as they are, should have seen the obvious hypocrisy in it, but failed to. To prove it I searched the internet for only a short time to come up with a sample of what’s out there, none of which the media or the Catholic church, who is also up in arms, are complaining about. Also, check out this Dan Savage Column (scroll down the page to see it) which is hilarious, as usual. (Read More to see pics)









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