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The Parents’ Phrase Book

Screen-Shot-2014-01-10-at-6 45 17-PM-162x250Editor’s note: My brother, Whit Honea, just had his first book published – a book on how to deal with parenting that is written for all kinds of families.  Although Whit is straight, he is one of the most open guys I know, and he wrote his book with parents of all stripes in mind.  Plus, bias aside, he’s a helluva writer.  Check it out if you are a parent of young kids, or if you know one.  Whit, we’re really proud of you. –Scott & Mark

What do you say when your child gets caught in a fib? Or asks you about the birds and the bees? With The Parents’ Phrase Book, you no longer have to worry about coming up with the right response on the spot.

Written by Whit Honea, a parenting expert1 whose advice has appeared on BabyCenter, Babble, and the Huffington Post, among others, this valuable guide provides you with the key language and tactics you will need to deal with a variety of parenting situations.

Inside, Honea explains why his approach quickly resolves issues and why so many of the parenting phrases you hear on the playground may actually encourage children to misbehave. From tackling sibling rivalry to handling bullies at school, The Parents’ Phrase Book will help you connect with your child and address even the toughest parenting dilemmas with love, humor, and empathy.

Author Bio

Whit Honea was born in Tucson, Arizona and received his degree in creative writing at the University of Arizona. He spent a number of years in and around Seattle before moving to the Los Angeles area with his wife and two sons. His fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and his take on parenting has appeared on popular sites like Babble, BabyCenter, GeekDad, DadCentric, and The Huffington Post. He is the editor of the Dads & Families section on The Good Men Project and looks rather handsome in a hat.

1 The term “expert” was insisted upon by the publisher in hopes of selling more books. Whit will deny the label with his dying breath. He prefers “antiexpert,” because it sounds so much cooler, even if he made it up.


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