The politics of gay rights

Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, proposed Senate Bill 48, also known as the Fair Education Act, last month in hopes to acknowledge gay Americans in classroom textbooks and prevent gay bullying in California public schools; however, there are many opposing the bill.

“There isn’t social science that demonstrates that teaching children about the glories of the gay rights movement will reduce bullying,” Tucker Carlson said on the Dec. 17 episode of Fox News’ & Friends.

Growing up gay in the Central Valley isn’t easy. In fact, it’s tough for many young gay teens because exposure to people like themselves is a rare occurence. The high school I attended in Bakersfield did not carry books that showcased historical gay characters or gay public figures. Celebrities had yet to come-out and I had never heard the name Harvey Milk until the movie “Milk” released in theaters in 2008. And in many instances, I am the first gay person that many people in the Central Valley ever meet.

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