
The Wretched Void – This Fri-Sun


Tyler Clementi. Asher Brown. Seth Walsh. Justin Aaberg. Raymond Chase. Five gay teenagers who ended their own lives after relentless bullying and torment. In the devastating wake of these tragedies, family and friends were left to ask the tough questions. “Could I have prevented this?”; “Where was the school involvement?”; and probably the most heart-wrenching, “What was the last thought that went through their mind?”


The Cutting Edge Theater Project, Fresno’s newest boutique theater company, seeks to answer these questions with their premiere show, The Wretched Void.  


A demand for acceptance and equality, The Wretched Void is a show aimed at both straight and gay audience members. Void provides a window into the intimate details of these tragedies, as well as a mirror charging audience members to examine their own prejudices and beliefs.


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