Weekly Round Up: Friday October 14, 2011

Happy Friday!

So many awesome things going on! Tonight, join Gay Central Valley and the LGBTQ group at the county fair! Tomorrow, head south to wrap up 2011’s Pride Season with Bakersfield Pride! And on Monday, head over to the center for the monthly Stings N Things Crochet/Knit group! Whew!

Meanwhile, let’s take a look at some of the interesting news and notes for this week!

This past week was National Coming Out Day… and while it is important to come out, it is also important to be safe and smart about how much you share. There are still 29 states where you can be fired on the spot just for being gay, or 35 states if you’re transgender . We still have a lot of work to do…

On that topic… as you might have heard, Jerry Brown signed 2 new laws into being this week.. both add protection and support to the transgender population.

Also, the group trying to get rid of the Fair Education Act failed in their attempts to get enough signatures to put a referendum on next year’s ballot.

Gay rights pioneer and hero Frank Kameny died this week at 86

Last week we told you that EQCA would not be trying to get gay marriage on the CA ballot next year… this week Love Honor Cherish , a grassroots organization, announced plans to go ahead with an attempt to repeal Prop 8.

Another teacher is in hot water for anti gay hate speech on their personal Facebook profile ….this time in New Jersey.

If you were ever a victim of “Conversion therapy” the Southern Poverty Law Center would like to hear your story.

Anna Grodzka was elected last week to Poland’s lower house of parliament, the Sejm, making her Poland’s first openly trans MP.

And lastly, in honor of all those who have come out and all those who will come out… here is a list of the Top 5 “Coming Out” movies. (Preview included!). Feel free to disagree or post your favorite.

That’s all for me. Have a fun, and safe, weekend!


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