
Weekly Round Up of LGBT news and notes, October 7, 2011

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a splendid week!
As we head into this weekend (Oktoberfest on Sunday!!) , here are a few news and notes to help whet your appetite.

Remember that horrible horrible referendum that is due to be on the May North Carolina ballot? (Last month, the General Assembly voted to put a question on the May primary ballot that would prohibit same-sex marriage in the North Carolina Constitution) Well a gay rights group in that state is gearing up to fight back.

EQCA is accusing the conservative groups that are trying to put a stop to the SB48 Fair Education act of. deliberately hiding the size and source of campaign contributions (They have until October 10th to get their petitions in to the county offices; we will keep you informed.)

EQCA is also in the news this week for finally saying what we all hoped and thought they would say…. They are not pursuing a repeal on Prop 8 on the November 2012 ballot.

A good recap of the global struggle for gay rights can be found here.

Russian police say they have detained dozens of anti-gay protesters and gay rights activists during a gay pride rally in central Moscow.

This is interesting… the GOP Presidential Candidates and the Gay Right Agenda… some of the backers might surprise you.

Again, Yay for Google who has pulled the app “Is My Son Gay?” from the android markets after a twitter campaign of offended gay and straight alike.

Australia's highest court has ruled that two, transgender people can be legally recognized as men even though they have not had complete sex changes.

And it’s not too late to sign up for the LGBTQ Earthquakes event coming up on the 22nd!

And you still have time to vote for your choice in this year’s PETA’s Sexiest Vegetation Over Fifty Contest!

Earlier this week Miss Kadenan Umatuiya was crowned Miss Guahan in the transgender beauty pageant held in Guam. How freakin’ cool is that?


And lastly, not related but oh, so funny… You know those Amazon arrows inviting you to “look inside” to get a sneak peek of a book? Well, I have no idea if the cover art department of this book was thinking ahead or if this is just an unfortunate coincidence… but it is by far one of the most unintentionally funny things I have seen in a while.

And that’s about it… have a great, and safe weekend!


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