Your voice needed: The LGBTQ Reducing Disparities Project Survey

Members of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ) communities continue to face challenges getting services to fit their unique needs. This is why we invite you to participate in a groundbreaking study about the needs of LGBTQ people and their families.

We need your voice!

To take the survey, copy and paste this URL into your browser


This survey is for anyone whose sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression may not fit the expectations of society, their friends or families.  It is also for parents/guardians of LGBTQ individuals.

We know not everyone identifies as LGBTQ.  When we use this common acronym, we are also referring to the many diverse ways community members identify including, but not limited to:

Del Ambiente * Downe * Gender Queer * Intersex * Pansexual

Same Gender Loving * Stud * Transgenero * Two Spirit

No matter what label you may use to identify yourself, or if you’ve ever wondered if you’re LGBTQ, this survey is for you.

Please also forward the survey link to your friends and family in California.

Take the survey and forward it now!

Cut and paste the following into your browser:

The LGBTQ Reducing Disparities Project Survey will explore the discrimination, inequalities, and needs of Californians whose sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression may not fit the expectations of society.

If you would like more information about the project please contact

Poshi Mikalson, Project Manager at:

[email protected] or 916-520-4528

This project is presented by the California LGBT Health and Human Services Network through a collaborative arrangement with Equality California Institute and Mental Health America Northern California funded by the Mental Health Services Act.


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