Advocate Article #2

Advocate Special Investigation

Advocate Article #2Advocate Article #1
The Advocate, the largest and most respected gay magazine in the country, has published a two part special investigation into the death of our own Nathan Christofferson, who died suddenly and for unknown reasons late last year.
The articles, “Faith of His Father” and “What Would Nathan Do” appear in issues dated March 14th & March 28th. They explore Nathan’s life and the religious beliefs of his family, touching on the Fresno climate regarding the LGBT community, and the recent arson which destroyed the North Tower Circle.
The March 14th issue has been out for about 3 weeks and the March 28th issue, with Rosie O’Donnell on the cover is available now at bookstores including Out Of The Closet, at 35 E. Olive in the Tower District (look for the rainbow flag hanging out front). You can click on the cover images above to read each article at . Pictures not available on the site are shown here.
(Al Christofferson, Barbara & Al Christofferson, James Hensley & Chris Jarvis, Jason Scott & Molly McKay, Nathan Christofferson)



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