With just 24 days to Election Day, we need your help. The latest polls show us behind, but you can change that. We need you to pick up the phone and start talking to voters. And we've made it simple, fun and effective.
3 ways to call voters:
- Go to a Local Phone Bank
- Organize Your Own Phone Team
- Phone From Home
Click on the following link to get started: http://www.NoOnProp8.com/wecallvoters
The fact is defeating Prop 8 may come down to the number of voters you did or did not call. It's that simple. And it's that important. It's the difference between winning and losing. So whether you join us at your local phone bank or make calls from the comfort of your home, we need you to pick up the phone today!
Let's start and finish the conversation once and for all!
Thank you. Sarah Reece/Field Director/No On 8
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