Proud to Award $3,000 to the 2008-09 Bulldog Pride Fund Scholars

ImageImageThe 2008-09 Bulldog Pride Fund scholarsAlisia Lopez, Amanda Junge and Jared Lindo—were each presented $1,000 scholarships on Oct. 10, 2008 at the Fresno State Alumni Association’s Top Dog Alumni Awards Gala held at the Save Mart Center.

A reception family, friends, donors and volunteers at the Smittcamp Alumni House was held prior to the gala. Bulldog Pride Fund alumnus and donor Adrian Quintero served as Master of Ceremonies for the more than 30 donors and guests in attendance.

Lopez (Class of 2011), a sophomore majoring in political science, was introduced by Robin McGehee. Junge (Class of 2012), a freshman studying music education and performance, was introduced by Matthew Mazzei; and Lindo (Class of 2009), a senior majoring in civil engineering, was introduced by Benjamin Adams

Each scholar was also presented a small, bronze bulldog with the Latin inscription “BONUS INTRA. MELIOR EXI.”—which translates “Come in good. Go out better.” Additionally, the scholars made personal donations to the BPF to financially assist students in the future. (Thank you Jared, Sara and Adrian—we appreciate your support!)

Bulldog Pride Fund donor and volunteer Joan Hughes also presented each of the scholars with a personalized and handmade quilt representing “the warmth the community has for these scholars.”

The Bulldog Pride Fund is an endowment dedicated to providing an annuity to support student scholarships at Fresno State. The earnings fund annual scholarships while the corpus accrues additional interest to fund future scholarships.

Donations to the Bulldog Pride Fund are always welcome and tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Currently, Bulldog Pride Fund donations total $156,071.24.

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