No on 8 Paid Organizer position available

The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization which includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service.  Its work is based on the Quaker belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.

Position Available

Title:                                  No on 8 Organizer  
Location:                           Fresno,
Hours:                                40-60 Hours/Week
Contract Amount:             $3000 per month from August 15-November 15 (3 months).

BACKGROUND: The work of the American Friends Service Committee to promote peace, social justice, and humanitarian service is rooted in the experience and faith of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).  While AFSC contractors are not required to belong to any particular denomination or faith, they are expected to understand and support AFSC’s Quaker foundations. These guiding principals are based on the belief in that of God in every person, and the right of each person to reach his or her full potential.

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The No on 8 organizer will work with Marriage Equality affiliates and partner with Equality for All in Fresno and Tulare counties in organizing and coordinating volunteers on the No on 8, no on the marriage ban campaign.


1.     Recruit, coordinate, manage and train volunteers in campaign messaging, fundraising, canvassing and phone banking; 

2.     Coordinate logistics for volunteer phone banking and canvassing focusing on
Fresno and
Tulare counties.

3.     Identify community, civic, ethnic, political, faith-based and LGBT organizations that can be partners in the campaign;  Coordinate outreach and make presentations to these groups;

4.     Work to identify volunteers and organizations in
Fresno and Tulare counties from the regions ethnic communities, especially Latino communities;

5.     Coordinate training and setting up of house parties; occasionally run a fundraising house party

6.     Provide administrative support as necessary to the above.

ACCOUNTABILITY: The organizer will report to Alan Lessik, Regional Director of AFSC. On a daily basis, the organizer will work closely with local representatives from Marriage Equality and local AFSC personnel.


1. Experience in organizing for ballot proposition campaigns.

2. Experience and knowledge of the diverse Fresno/Tulare county communities, including LGBT groups and their allies, ethnic communities (especially Latino communities), faith-based organizations and other local organizations. 

3. Self-starter, ability to work with little supervision, comfort with both team and independent work.

4. Knowledgeable of LGBT issues, particularly marriage and the rights associated with marriage.


1. Ability to organize in communities and bring people together to work toward a specific goal; knowledge of campaign organizing on ballot initiatives;

2. Ability to recruit, manage and retain volunteers;

3. Ability to take the initiative in handling and following up on program details;

4. Computer and clerical skills adequate for correspondence and routine office chores, including database experience;

5. Excellent public speaker and good written skills;

6. Bi-lingual in English and Spanish is highly desireable.

To Apply: Letter and resume by July 31, 2008. Contact Alan Lessik.

Send to AFSC,

65 Ninth Street,
San Francisco,
CA 94103

; fax: (415) 565-0204; [email protected] Position to begin on or about August 15.

The American Friends Service Committee is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Qualified persons are encouraged to apply regardless of their religious affiliation, race, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.


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