Ryder Confirms Gibson is an A**hole

I’ve been extremely disappointed in people like Whoopi Goldberg and especially Jodie Foster in their defense of Mel Gibson and his recent actions. It reminds me of a statement Joy Behar made years ago about another person (I can’t remember now who it was) who’d been revealed to be racist. She was asked if she would throw a long time friend away if she found out they were racist, or homophobic, etc. She said yes.

I’d waited years to hear someone say that on national TV. I don’t care how close you are to me. If I find out that you have some hideous character trait such as blatant racism or homophobia, yes, you’re not only off the Christmas list, but you’re off the contact list. I’ve had the experience of finding out a long time friend is, in fact, an a**hole, and I no longer speak to them.

It’s disgraceful that Whoopi recently said about Mel that she’d been a personal friend for years and he didn’t display that behavior around her. I guess if someone rapes someone while they’re out of town it’s okay to attend their New Year’s Eve  party. It’s equally disgraceful that Foster, a lesbian, not only ignores Mel’s rants, but continues to work with him.


Winona Ryder has now commented on the Gibson saga…

"I remember, like, fifteen years ago, I was at one of those big Hollywood parties. And he was really drunk," she recalls to the magazine. I was with my friend, who’s gay. He made a really horrible gay joke. And somehow it came up that I was Jewish. He said something about ‘oven dodgers,’ but I didn’t get it.

"I’d never heard that before," Ryder continues. It was just this weird, weird moment. I was like, ‘He’s anti-Semitic and he’s homophobic.’ No one believed me!"

Read the whole story here 


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